My Story

Growing up in Italy, I was always surrounded by beautiful craftsmanship and attention to detail. My mother owned an elegant home-goods shop where I learned about design, quality, and the value of tradition. However, as a rebellious teenager, I didn't quite fit into that mold.

At the age of 14, I started traveling to the United States on my own, working odd jobs to pay for my board and lodging.

In my twenties, I moved to the United States for Buisness with my husband and our kids. For twenty plus years, I worked in luxury industries and honed my appreciation for fine craftsmanship. But despite all this experience, there was still one thing missing - the perfect pair of cowboy boots, so I decided to customize my own cowboy boots.

As fate would have it over the years, while wearing my self-designed boots out and about, strangers would stop me and ask where they could get their hands on them. This sparked an idea - why not make these unique boots available for others as well?

Each pair is named after a local hiking spot that holds a special place in my heart - from Drinking Horse to Emerald Lake. Being able to incorporate elements of nature into each boot design brings me immense joy because Montana is truly home for me.

My love for this area extends beyond its natural beauty; it's also about being part of such a close-knit community. That's why we at RockiesRebels support local organizations like the Gallatin Valley Land Trust. Giving back to the community that supports us is an important aspect of our brand.

My journey from Italy to Montana has been a wild ride, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The rebel in me is constantly pushing boundaries and seeking new adventures and challenges. As CEO of two companies - Zaniboni Lighting and BubblyNet - my days are busy with managing staff, developers, and manufacturing processes. But when I put on a pair of my handcrafted cowboy boots, all those responsibilities fade away, and I'm reminded of my love for artistry.

As my husband always says, we named our company RockiesRebels because it's a perfect reflection of who you are - a non-conformist at heart. My passion for design and fashion keeps me going, whether it's creating new boot designs or cutting firewood with a chainsaw.

And now, every time someone puts on a pair of RockiesRebels boots, they too can make a statement about being true to themselves and embracing their inner rebel.

Thank you for reading my story. 
